Saturday, March 26, 2011

No Time like the Present to be Tormented by The Past

only wanting the night, with you...
for loving arms, and nearly unnoticeable soft touches...
As it turns out, you were the one who got what I wanted.
Not me.
And when I was in the same spot; it was years ago...
And the 'spot' came with many conditions,
that i did not love, or even
merely like.

right now, besides feeling avoided
I think i will close my eyes
to mourn something I do not know
or understand
The complicity/complexity
And living
of the awkward man.

Copyright 2011 K. Anne Smith

Mid-March-Drank-Too-Much Babble...

In the manner of exhibiting an act of selfishness - I announce my own exhibit. It's called: I am goign to act like I did when I was a teenager and drink (against authority) and write, and chain smoke cigarettes. We will not know where the story goes, exactly, but it will proceed, nonetheless.
Early in the evening, I shower, I *carefully* shave every part of the female body that you can (with the exception of eyebrows and headhair)...Slide into a little skirt and other light clothes, and I wait. 
As I wait, I open a beer. I have made it a point to see that the children are gone for the evening as well. I cook dinner, and drink my beer, one after the other; make the phone calls for the drug errands to be done and continue on with the usual duties that I have assumed. As time passes, he filters into our room, where, I figure it would be an opportune time for a nice, warm-lotiony back(and front) rub. Plans are in motion now. It should be obvious with all the clues - what the pinnacle of the evening should bring.
But, no. It does not.
It climaxes to heavy lids for him, and a heavy, vehement, emotionally disturbed thought process for me. What the fuck do I have to do? Is this normal? Am I normal (probably not)? Does he dislike mostly everything I do? What the fuck? I think I may be losing more of my mind...
"What's wrong with you?" I am asked.
I answer with silence. Silence, because I know that my response will not be remembered anyway. Besides, my response will be probably be something pretty dumb.
I feel defeated, amongst many other things. Feel as though I've only made life easier by getting the children off to their father, and really - the night has proved to be not so different than any other night anyway.
So, what is the point? Is there even a point? What is the meaning of this random babble? I do not know....but I continued writing, regardless.
Some entities that are unseen, but definitely present, are lurking about, bringing negative energies. This negative force has consumed me entirely over the past few days, and has made me feel rather helpless, hopeless, beat down and inspired me to want to merely give up on everything. Something,is making me weak; fueling a fire of wild indifference. The question is: Why does it remain?
     In fifteen minutes dawns the 'witching hour' perhaps I will get a clue to those energies that fuels our negativities and feeds them, as well. My eyes are heavy, feel semi-swollen, like when you're welling up inside and about to cry. The lids serve as a dam to untapped vocal-isms; to buried thoughts; to shoved-under-the-rug reservations.
"Do you really want this?" I ask aloud.
But no one answers.
Only me.
And no longer do I listen to what I think.
As the heart beats, it seeps blood
from old times
and words that I need to speak.
But I am so frustrated with the technicality and specifications on how to make people happy, or even, merely content, that I do believe that I have even lost the ability within myself to please myself.
I do not feel full grown
or responsible, more like a trapped adolescent who feels like a time bomb.
There lies no peace; is no complacency
Thoughts wander out of control, and tears make me feel weak -
not where I want to be.
I'm a clean junkie, off the dope, but still have some urgent needs.And through all of this, I can see that I am not really 'clean'...Merely sitting at the end of the rainbow, with my legs dangling over the edge , waiting for gold; with all the dreams of my world, slumped underneath me. Feeling like my responsibilities are negotiable, and knowing 
that they are not.
I want to scream; to sing...
But my wings have been clipped
The caged bird that can only wish to be free, from itself.
Here, there is no love. I am creating most real, most hated nightmare.
Pushing off against a wall to swim deeper, and pushing away...Will I push so hard that no one ever comes back?
Lost in this brain sea....I try to identify the soul with the it to the moon, to the sky; to the stars...This thinking is no real good. Just a good let down.
Streaming around the corner; collapsing into a silent room - hair, cloth, skin, all falls around into a pile.
Pick me up...
But whom am I speaking to?????
No one's going to be the one to lift me up. It's only me.

Copyright 2011 K. Anne Smith

(Fill in the Blank )

111 a.m.

Without speech
and the tension between
the two of us
the bed has become a place
where could not rest
Where I could only think 
and be nagged by repetitive,
obsessive, negative thoughts...
And I lie awake, while next to me,
You drift to sleep
and go nowhere, really
But you could not be any further away 

-Sorry - for 'ruining' your ________
(fill in the blank)
I'm sure that you will think of something
Highly strung, sleeping puppet, you are...

F U C K...
Small instances by small people
Making big waves
A well-understood principle
But you don't think i 'get' the point
But the point of these small daggers
go right through my chest
piercing me
and tearing my thoughts in two directions
Weighing the things I love the best 
Against each other
Now I cannot rest - 
                             beside you
                    without you
Always losing the battle 

Standing on the sandba between the barriers of blood
and water

Copyright 2011 K. Anne Smith

Lights Out ;Controls Down...

Nearing 1 a.m. on 3-26-2011...

 - Some heavy aura weighs on me
       it is discomfort
it is self-loathing
it is miscommunication 
Or the complete lack of it. 

The urge to write
or to cry
or to scream, profusely
of profane things, in a manner that
I will later find to be
quite embarrassing.

No one feels like they are pretty or beautiful or adored
When they feel shamed, and small
Understated, and weighed-down-heavy.
Like a child scolded for a wrongdoing
That they thought 
wasn't wrong.

 I cannot rest, as my heart da-thumps. I cannot even think of anything else besides my pent-up words and my reluctance to speak them. 
All the love that had surrounded me, had griped about setbacks and then shut the door; closing in their pent up words in the room with them. And in the meantime - the love that always surrounds me, constantly, I had made them crawl under the covers, force them into silence 
and shut the door on them. 
Funny how it works. 

With "Mental Health Days" becoming more frequent, I wonder how I am going to make it through a day, let along a lifetime. I think I need a better method for communicating, disciplining, surviving, and just, well....just Being. 
The first instinct I have is to -of course- drink some thing. Self medication. 
No, no, no....That is not always so good. I get terrible cases of down syndrome and shit-mouth when I do that and it has often gotten me into awkward and silent situations, with doors being locked and my pride feeling hurt. This weight on my head and heart drains the life from me. I cannot distinguish what I should or shouldn't do at times, because - who knows how it will work out. With good intentions, there is a misfire, like a bullet lodged in the chamber and blowing up in your face. Ha. Got you....Now go wipe your tears and the shame and shit from your face and try again.

Copyright 2011 K. Anne Smith

In the Room Where A Friend Almost-Could Have-Died...

1239 a.m.

Sitting down to write, My  heart pounds through my chest wall, my brain writhes and breathing is labored. One million and one thoughts...At the epicenter of 'midlife' (when is that, anyway?) the crises are all the same, so I have discovered. It always revolves around self-doubt, conflict or the general feeling of helplessness in coping with daily survival. 
And so, that is why some people turn to other things; to self-medicate. Alcohol. Pot, pills, overspending; whatever makes you feel better for a little while will make you feel worse for even longer. High for a day (at a time) in Hell for a lifetime...So, in the room where he slept the night before he had died, I think of where I stand in this confusing maze called Life. I quit 'drugs' but I am still an addict of sorts. I still harbor the inability to cope or even moderately/rationally manage nearly everything. 
The world spins towards another revolution 'round the sun, and another day approaches that I have accomplished NoTHING. As death breathes life into those who are surrounded by it's omnipresence - That too (the life) will also wither and fade, and become buried under a pile of bills, receipts and short scribbles of brain mishaps on crumpled papers.
Death gives life, and life; brings Death. 

                                               Seize The Day...

Copyright 2011 K. Anne Smith